Thursday 11 November 2021

Auckland Plein Air Painting Lovers

We love to paint outside on location.
Visiting wonderful areas around Auckland/NZ.

Visit the following...

FB Group -   Plein Air Painters of New Zealand
Facebook Group was formed to display en plein aire paintings of New Zealand. 
Whether a visitor or a resident, all may share the paintings completed out on location in NZ. 
Visit and enjoy the artwork undertaken around NZ, if you have painted 
out and about in our country then share your art. 
Remember to add:  location, medium, substrate and size. 

Paint out in Auckland -  New Zealand Plein Air Painting Lovers
Visit and join our Meetup Group for painting out and about days around Auckland (and other areas).   All information is on the group's page.   

We would love to meet and paint out with you.